Bob Whitelaw:
Thijs de Zeeuw:
Mr B Eyes open:
#Sunset Do you know both sides, do you know that sometimes we hide. From what’s inside or from what’s lent up along side. There’s two sides to all things & what we resist can persist. Love both sides & accept what’s along side & inside
Mr B Eyes open:
#Sunrise Awaken to the consciousness of what is. Acceptance of it & to enjoy the space you occupy. Breathe, see the beauty within & what surrounds you. Its not right nor is it wrong. It is what it is, its not what you do, its more so how you do it
Mr B Eyes open:
#Sunset At times we hold our life’s on a lead along paths we form. Not knowing where they’ll lead. All you truly can know is the moments yr in now. Life is full of amazing moments in the now along life’s journey. Live & love from yr light, glow & let go!