wooliecardie: brush your hair before bed
wooliecardie: cute wedding couple on a bike
wooliecardie: illustration for Tony Benn
wooliecardie: a fun experiment
wooliecardie: all three of my finished books
wooliecardie: paperback versions of my books
wooliecardie: helga_endpaper
wooliecardie: Helga_back
wooliecardie: corner-book
wooliecardie: book_front_helga
wooliecardie: the fisherman is finished
wooliecardie: fishing village
wooliecardie: endpaper
wooliecardie: the fisherman follows mr whale
wooliecardie: the fisherman waits day after day for a catch
wooliecardie: patient fisherman experiment 3
wooliecardie: patient fisherman- experiment2
wooliecardie: patient fisherman experiment1
wooliecardie: editorial idea
wooliecardie: little maud climbs a tree
wooliecardie: big fox- little lady
wooliecardie: patterns
wooliecardie: the poor gardener
wooliecardie: the bear wept
wooliecardie: the bear makes a fatal misjudgement
wooliecardie: and the bear stayed and helped the gardener
wooliecardie: the lonely gardener meets a bear
wooliecardie: the gardener and the bear become friends
wooliecardie: the lonely gardener cover
wooliecardie: the lonely gardener