Caleb's Photography: Nice job @spacex Yet another successful launch and landing! Incredible! #mygenerationspacerace #groundspacegroundin9mins #secretpayload
Caleb's Photography: Saw my first privately owned @honda_jet out in the wild today. Seen at our very own EQY! #engineonwings
Caleb's Photography: Not everyday you see a Jetstar II
Caleb's Photography: Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18, ESV)
Caleb's Photography: Had these two beautiful ladies come visit me at "work" today. Even got to eat lunch with them.
Caleb's Photography: So this finally happened today! To the dot (no I seriously trying not too). Hopefully 1000's more hours to come. #IwantmyATP #milestone
Caleb's Photography: No car is complete without a Cirrus decal! #cirruslife #aerowoodaviation @aerowoodaviation
Caleb's Photography: Two of the many gifts God gives me. A new day and planes
Caleb's Photography: Sunrise and Planes.
Caleb's Photography: Out of over 324,000,000 people, this is who "we" have chosen to represent us as a nation, disgraceful! I said this last election but thought this election would be better. However, inconceivably worse! #election2016 #wishCruzhadachance
Caleb's Photography: Some wavy clouds #cirruslife #lifeofapilot
Caleb's Photography: Your welcome for the "good luck" 😜 I guess we need to come back so they will win again. #keeppounding
Caleb's Photography: Guess we need to come more often. #keeppounding #sofarsogood
Caleb's Photography: Just another day in the office #lifeofapilot #cirruslife #aerowoodaviation
Caleb's Photography: You know you have a "Pilot Wife" when your wife is shocked when you tell her Bob Hoover died. #aviationfamily
Caleb's Photography: The Aviation World lost one (I think the best) of the best pilots to ever live this morning. I had the pleasure of meeting him at #OSH14. Such a great stick-and-rudder pilot and a humble man. Bob Hoover: Janurary 24th, 1922 - December 25th 2016 #sadday #
Caleb's Photography: Congratulations to one of my favorite CFIs, who I have to privilege to work with, and to call friend. Yesterday we celebrated as he was awarded the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for 50 years of safe flying from the FAA. Congratulations again @skyhawk
Caleb's Photography: In the name of LOVE
Caleb's Photography: Stratosphere
Caleb's Photography: The Red Bull Air Race Pilot's came to meet me today... #cirruslife
Caleb's Photography: Look what we found while driving today...looks like the Grand Canyon from here. #picturesdontdoitjustice
Caleb's Photography: My favorite restaurant located at 20,000' and 1100 miles underneath my feet today. #lifeofapilot #allinadayswork
Caleb's Photography: For a forecast 5 hours prior, amazing how spot on it was. #lifeofapilot
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Caleb's Photography: Aerowood-Cirrus 2016-_DSC0211-EDIT
Caleb's Photography: Aerowood-Cirrus 2016-_DSC0202-EDIT