caleal: Puppy sized water fountain...
caleal: Prepping to attack...
caleal: Enjoying sunshine!
caleal: Smiles!
caleal: Saying hello...
caleal: Sharing the water bowl...
caleal: Running...
caleal: Sniffs...
caleal: Double sniffs.
caleal: More glass. Fun!
caleal: No window!
caleal: Smashed glass.
caleal: Buhbye, radio!
caleal: Puppy snow day!
caleal: Marty catches a snowball.
caleal: Run Kobe, Run!
caleal: Sit!
caleal: Beg!
caleal: Marty and Freddie
caleal: Marty and Freddie
caleal: Yay!
caleal: Merry Christmas!
caleal: Lumpy Marty
caleal: How we do it over here.
caleal: A freaking huge ring...