ormeli: Ellie: Issac! Up here!
ormeli: Elizabeth
Garbageman13: It's fixed yet again!
BrickinNick: Apocalego: A world so cold... (3)
nate___: Zinthori Bird 'Hades' Class
JTR Creations: What should I do with this?!?
peterlmorris: GSX-22b Avenger
Pierre E Fieschi: Pulsar Flak Unit
justin pyne: Mission 8.3
~LC98~: Run, Sig-fig, Run!
~LC98~: Lego Minecraft
Sabarrus: Terminus: Revelations through Discovery
lbaixinho: Moonbase Orange Quarters (2)
Oky - Space Ranger: Starkiller's Speederbike
Sabarrus: Terminus: Diversion into the Lab
Sabarrus: Terminus: The Awakening to Disaster
74louloute: Patrick's Podracer
TheDarkblane: What Lies Beneath (2)
<Antimatter>: Hill
gerburrows: Lego_Garrison_of_Moriah_000
consular_ship: Dirigible
MacLane: Chicken Walker
Becheman: FISH & CHIPS
-infomaniac-: Infested-1
nitrobenz: Explorien Vic Viper
"Orion Pax": Breaking Bad
P3-K4: Neo Blacktron I - Alligator [pic.4] (with minifigure)