infiniteserenity88: "Pizzicato - pluck the strings of your heart vigorously when you are sad and never stop until you find serenity"
kusayoku: Soom Hyperon & Zak
greenwolfy: IMG_0592
Laminar*: Morning, dear
toyerNonmemaga: Teddy and teddy
nanarice: 泣き虫
Laminar*: Albrecht
Laminar*: Albrecht
Laminar*: Albrecht x Benjamin
CrescentBunny: Candyland Dreams
CrescentBunny: The Littlest Fee
Sophie Octobre: Le Petit Prince {Ltf Luna}
ami2ami: Lati Sophie
gattina*: Face-up Marathon - We Can Do It!
~ Nika ~: Pukifee Luna ~ Sisters <3
Ray Kitsune: Relaxing Day 23
Monkeyadam丶: Baby Bear
CanineGirl: Welcome home Mr.Ryoma
Kakei ♛: Horatio and Rosario
Miyon Sybert Douval: Les vêpres || Proust K. Le LoirRouge