tommy the pariah[away]: the higher you are the harder you fall
tommy the pariah[away]: every time i die
Mike Rohde: SXSWi 2008 Sketchnotes: First Spread
actionaimmodel: IMG_2148
Koost: Emko & Eelco @ Frankfurt
madamepsychosis: [not][i-nuhf][not][in][haf]
merkley???: Bryn & Snortzle Weirdeye McTeeth aka "Grampa" aka "OtherDog" - CowSkin
merkley???: Zoe - Deitada
merkley???: Tarah - Sofa
Christy Fu: 依附。
merkley???: Vanessa C. - Boots
merkley???: Kat - Rose
merkley???: Amy - Sofa
merkley???: Jenny - Bananas Christ
billa....: innit
billa....: atomizer
billa....: tonguer
billa....: nude