c r i s: Had to get in on the action.
c r i s: upload
c r i s: Forgive me IG for I have sinned. It has been one week since posting a selfie.
c r i s: Decisions... Decision... This is nearly as tough as deciding between Team Edward and Team Jacob.
c r i s: These exist!!!
c r i s: NO!!! Just no...
c r i s: A quick way to ensure I'll have a self-inflicted stroke is to tell me that there are four copies of the same document and no one has a complete picture and everyone is using something different.
c r i s: It tastes like science!
c r i s: Ever feel like you're being watched? Otherwise titled, Gah! How many cameras are on me?
c r i s: upload
c r i s: ...still at work still...
c r i s: Commuting and killing some 'car-aoke' Van Halen "Right Now".
c r i s: Eyes... In the dark...
c r i s: I feel like the Santa Clause. I woke up with the windswept big froofy beard. Fetch me a comb!
c r i s: ☁️⛅️☁️☁️☁️
c r i s: Tiny Rave
c r i s: Fall...
c r i s: Sriracha chicken noodle bowl
c r i s: I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are. So what?!
c r i s: Kitty cuddles
c r i s: upload
c r i s: upload
c r i s: Beef, bacon, and cremini ragú... It's what's for dinner!
c r i s: One straw is not enough!
c r i s: Proof that I really am working out... Or that I at least know where a gym is.
c r i s: Fashion fail!!
c r i s: Only thing good about the 40 degree drop in temp today is I get to wear my new jacket.
c r i s: Prepping for tomorrow's presentation...
c r i s: I'm not sure if I should make a "Tay in da waaaay" a la Nell joke or some comment about falling for a trick. ...in bed.
c r i s: The face of forty!