possessed2fisheye: 231/366 - Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
J e n s: 20160328 1332 NEX-5 02453
J e n s: 20160328 1334 NEX-5 02459 -2
J e n s: 20160328 1401 DSLR-A850 01113 180 mm
J e n s: 20160404 1853 PENTAX -ist DS 6053 45 mm
possessed2fisheye: 236/366 - one ring to rule them all . . . . .
Paul McRae (Delta Niner): My Best Rod Stewart Impersonation
J e n s: 20151127 1752 NEX-5 03608 25 mm
aravis121: Dry Falls
aravis121: Sassafras
J e n s: 20151005 0935 DSLR-A850 07675 28 mm
possessed2fisheye: 180/366 - Face Down Tuesday #313
J e n s: 20150804 1640 DSLR-A850 06232 28 mm
elsvo: 5/6/2016
possessed2fisheye: 158/366 - up from the depth
elsvo: 17/06/2016
Universal Stopping Point: A Dose of Realism
elsvo: 19/06/2016
Paul McRae (Delta Niner): Happy Daddy Day
elsvo: 20/06/2016
J e n s: 20150711 1321 DSLR-A850 05233 75 mm
Universal Stopping Point: Damn poofs are taking over, ruining our family-oriented parks.
J e n s: 20150710 1544 DSLR-A850 05056 28 mm
aravis121: And he shall lift his head to the sun
aravis121: Out of the gloom of winter
possessed2fisheye: 128/366 - finding myself at the bottom of a glass