C330: Facetime planning call
C330: What a delicious mess
C330: Organized delicious mess
C330: Friday drive to the trailhead
C330: Friday drive to the trailhead - fall colours are starting to peak
C330: Getting the gear organized at the trailhead
C330: Ready to go
C330: First fork in the trail by the trailhead where you leave your walking stick on the way out or pick one up if you are on the way in
C330: Walking
C330: Walking
C330: Fungi
C330: What roadblock?
C330: The Maple Leaf forever...
C330: I like the close up better
C330: Walking Closest to furthest - Dean, Don, Frank
C330: Closest to furthest - Dean and Don
C330: Most of the leaves are still on the trees
C330: Another hill - Dean, Frank, Don
C330: Yet another hill
C330: Lunch break at Guskewau Lake
C330: Guskewau Lake
C330: Guskewau Lake
C330: Lunch site by the stream fed by Guskewau lake - Summer Sausage and Asiago Cheese
C330: Dean on the final leg to Ramona Lake
C330: Frank and Don rest stop before Ramona Lake
C330: Dean joins the rest stop
C330: Side trail to Ramona!
C330: Ramona Lake water access via a minefield of slippery roots
C330: Be careful not to fall here
C330: Ramona Lake early Saturday morning