C330: Don wrapping up a break
C330: Hi I am Todd, you got any of Frank's Smarties?
C330: Hi I am Frank, you got any Smarties
C330: Dean just chillin
C330: Shot 2
C330: Sunday stop where we had lunch on Friday
C330: Back on the trail Sunday morning
C330: Sunday morning
C330: Getting ready for breakfast on Sunday
C330: Moving to dusk
C330: Moving to dusk
C330: It was that way when I got here
C330: 1 lite stick fire
C330: All set and ready for the night
C330: Dean's Hubba Hubba
C330: Who's this guy?
C330: Frank and Dean
C330: Time for a group shot
C330: Time for a portrait
C330: The colours are peaking
C330: Contemplating the next meal
C330: Frank and Don thumbs up for a great site
C330: Frank and Don
C330: Don framed by trees and leafs
C330: More fall colours
C330: Fall colours
C330: Panorama
C330: Don working his way along the shore looking for a bite, missing a photo of the beautiful Rainbow he pulled out of the lake!
C330: Food bags ready for cooking
C330: Hubba Hubba set up