gainesp2003: Milky Way Over Longs Peak
go wild - NZ outside: chancellor evening
Stefan Klauke: Out for a walk
Zach Dischner: Poor Man's Planetarium
黑輪羊 ( Allen Yang ): 20120425_龍泉溪斜射光_大地之光_MG_1384
colerise: paint on concrete
Anthony Quintano: The New York City skyline just before sunrise December 17, 2011
Fort Photo: Last Twilight Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
SaigoDon: Wiley (the town, not the Coyote)
colerise: no.203
►CubaGallery: black and white
jon_beard: Cheakamus River and Milky Way
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
Aspenbreeze: Dawn's First Light
Dave Cappleman: Serenity.
December 12: a little snowflake