c-nugget: Bangkok: MBK Mall
c-nugget: Bangkok: in Thailand, diapers are called Goon Pants
c-nugget: Bangkok: I missed you, too.
c-nugget: Bangkok: Condom Santa and his Condom Bride. Oh, and my sister.
c-nugget: Bangkok: close-up of Condom Santa
c-nugget: Bangkok: Captain Safety?
c-nugget: Bangkok: my sister. As a prophylactic
c-nugget: Bangkok: Condom xmas tree. DUH.
c-nugget: Bangkok: Cabbages and Condoms
c-nugget: Bangkok: Best bar name ever
c-nugget: Bangkok: A sign in the dark
c-nugget: Bangkok: Suk 11 reception area
c-nugget: Bangkok: they really like milk here
c-nugget: Bangkok: Terminal 21 Mall
c-nugget: Bangkok: Terminal 21 Mall
c-nugget: Bangkok: Terminal 21 Mall
c-nugget: Bangkok: Thai kids like Star Wars, too
c-nugget: Bangkok: Lego exhibit at the Emporium Mall
c-nugget: Bangkok: Thailand Creative & Design Center
c-nugget: Bangkok: dual-SIM card phone at TCDC
c-nugget: Bangkok: a history of modern design around the world
c-nugget: Bangkok: your own personal buddha
c-nugget: Bangkok: delicious food at Yong Lee - tom yum soup and chili fish
c-nugget: Bangkok: dessert with Kob!
c-nugget: Bangkok: Connie, Kob, dessert!
c-nugget: Bangkok: a tray of sweets
c-nugget: Bangkok: WTF Gallery
c-nugget: Bangkok: Apoteka Lux Bar
c-nugget: Bangkok: Forever 21 pop-and-lock mimes
c-nugget: Bangkok: best ladies' room sign ever