c-nugget: Getting ready to party, Teufelskerle-style: Søren and the cheapest Danish beer that money can buy. #teufelbash9
c-nugget: #prague has some lovely manhole covers. #latergram #nofilter
c-nugget: Folk/rock musicians and spectators at the "Woodstock of Czechoslovakia," 1976. #prague #latergram
c-nugget: Even IKEA would be impressed by the simplicity of these instructions. #prague
c-nugget: Candy-colored buildings and cotton candy skies. #prague
c-nugget: Easter in #Berlin: bourbon cocktails, deviled eggs, burgers. #ostern🐰 #latergram
c-nugget: "There are almost as many Bowies as there are albums." I want all these 45s. #vinyl #Berlin
c-nugget: Stormy skies and belated #Hanami in #Berlin. #nofilter
c-nugget: Saturday night in #Berlin, #nofilter
c-nugget: Horse Lords at my new favorite venue in #Berlin.
c-nugget: One of these things is not like the other.
c-nugget: Dark bars in #Berlin. #nofilter
c-nugget: Attack / Decay / Sustain: there's a great exhibit on the history of electronic music instruments at the State Institute for Music Research in #Berlin, now through June 25. #psa
c-nugget: Springtime in #Berlin = cherry blossoms along the old wall.
c-nugget: Good night, #Berlin. #latergram #nofilter
c-nugget: Uh, memo to the marketing department at Mavi: you may want to rethink your latest campaign. #berlin
c-nugget: Bacon, avo, eggs, and toast in the sun: best lunch. #latergram
c-nugget: End of The Long Now, 30 hours after it began. #berlin #latergram
c-nugget: The Long Now: 30 hours of experimental electronic music and condoned napping in a former power plant. #berlin
c-nugget: How you know it's spring in #Berlin: all the @joincoup scoots come out to play.
c-nugget: More beautiful #hamburg architecture. #latergram
c-nugget: Stay classy, #Stuttgart.
c-nugget: #Hamburg has some beautiful buildings.
c-nugget: Discovered the 4th floor lounge in my office, looks like Rousseau-inspired hipster hunt club. #berlin
c-nugget: Austra at Astra tonight, #nofilter. #berlin
c-nugget: Went to @stephaniechalm's house for cake and bubbles. 1 glass later, she made me fix her climbing wall (note the lack of proper climbing shoes). #berlin
c-nugget: What happens when we let @stephaniechalm order her own cake. #berlin
c-nugget: Winter is here: tiny ski slope outside of #Helsinki.
c-nugget: Not for claustrophobes: inside an art house on #naoshima. #latergram
c-nugget: Expat Thanksgiving tasks: tighten the bolts on @stephaniechalm's climbing wall and give a climbing tutorial to a 4-year old. In German. #latergram #friendsgiving