c-nugget: Grand Palace
c-nugget: A face-off
c-nugget: Demons and steeples
c-nugget: Is that a ring on his finger?
c-nugget: A trio of wats (temples)
c-nugget: Architecture nerds, unite.
c-nugget: Bling bling
c-nugget: Lots and lots of wats
c-nugget: A Sri Lankan temple: the bling version
c-nugget: A happy Confucian guard dude.
c-nugget: Ridiculously ornate.
c-nugget: Temple of the Emerald Buddha
c-nugget: Tourists outside the Temple of the Emerald Buddha
c-nugget: Thai heaven
c-nugget: Guard lion or dog?
c-nugget: Close up
c-nugget: Close-up of a bird god. A baby Garuda?
c-nugget: Close up
c-nugget: animals vs. people
c-nugget: Under construction
c-nugget: Heavy details
c-nugget: Inlay.
c-nugget: Intricate inlay work.
c-nugget: Garuda angels
c-nugget: A tiny house and a large bell tower
c-nugget: Bell tower
c-nugget: More tile detail
c-nugget: Looking out from the Temple of the Emerald Buddha
c-nugget: More epic architecture
c-nugget: For scale. This stupa is no small undertaking.