c-nugget: Thanksgiving dinner: the spread
c-nugget: fruit and olives
c-nugget: Thanksgiving dinner: the spread
c-nugget: documenting our labor
c-nugget: Ian, documenting
c-nugget: Thanksgiving dinner: the spread
c-nugget: Mike carves the turkey
c-nugget: Mike carves the turkey
c-nugget: Mike carves the turkey
c-nugget: Thanksgiving Dinner: the assembly line
c-nugget: Thanksgiving dinner: Rob loves gravy
c-nugget: Dinner, Day 2: Homemade gyoza, five-spice duck
c-nugget: Noel mixes a soju mojito
c-nugget: Dinner, Day 2: Mayo and the okonomiyaki
c-nugget: Mixmaster Matt
c-nugget: Ian in an $80 apron.
c-nugget: Chef Ian
c-nugget: Dinner, Day 3: couscous, mussels, salad
c-nugget: We clean up well.
c-nugget: The birthday girl and her entourage
c-nugget: This year's Christmas card
c-nugget: The boys
c-nugget: Bike ride in sonoma. We found a donkey. And an ostrich
c-nugget: Ian eating caviar out of the jar
c-nugget: Friendsgiving 2010