c-nugget: View from our house in Lahaina
c-nugget: Fridge full of leis
c-nugget: Maui from above
c-nugget: Oh hai, Maui
c-nugget: Flying HNL->OGG
c-nugget: Current status: thursday
c-nugget: Looking towards Molokai
c-nugget: Haleakala: the crater
c-nugget: Haleakala: the crater
c-nugget: Haleakala: people hike down there!
c-nugget: Simon on top of Haleakala
c-nugget: Haleakala: above the cloudline
c-nugget: Haleakala: above the cloudline
c-nugget: Haleakala: looking down into the crater
c-nugget: Haleakala: visitor's center at the edge of the crater
c-nugget: Haleakala: a pile of rocks
c-nugget: Science City on Haleakala
c-nugget: Rebecca, Simon, Science City
c-nugget: Group photo time
c-nugget: Look! We're floating!
c-nugget: On top of Haleakala
c-nugget: Silver Swords
c-nugget: View from the downhill road from Haleakala
c-nugget: Honor-system fruit stand
c-nugget: Honor-system fruit (and flower!) stand
c-nugget: Honor-system fruit stand
c-nugget: Honor-system fruit stand
c-nugget: Honor-system fruit stand
c-nugget: Lunchtime @ Kula Lodge and Restaurant
c-nugget: Classy, Cal.