c-nugget: Side patio and pool
c-nugget: Breakfast on the back deck: waffle iron edition
c-nugget: The birthday girl!
c-nugget: Boys in the sun
c-nugget: Trees off the back deck
c-nugget: Matt and the view
c-nugget: Re-suiting
c-nugget: All hands on balls
c-nugget: Clearly up to no good
c-nugget: Lookin real AZN
c-nugget: Dr. Livingston
c-nugget: What is this ancient technology?
c-nugget: A pre-dinner drink + mischievous look
c-nugget: Matt: "What? I'm a pro. Ain't nothing to worry about."
c-nugget: Sweet potato surplus
c-nugget: Kabocha, banana, tomato...potholder
c-nugget: Drunk chef?
c-nugget: Heyyyyy! It's good!
c-nugget: Grinning like a proud papa
c-nugget: "You're so beautiful, I could just kiss you!"
c-nugget: The finished masterpiece
c-nugget: Knife skills
c-nugget: Rockwell would be proud
c-nugget: Teamwork!
c-nugget: Which way is up?
c-nugget: Say what? What did you say?
c-nugget: Turkey C-section
c-nugget: Super-sonic turkey
c-nugget: Matt sniffs the turkey
c-nugget: Can you smell it?