c-nugget: Ireland is the green team. Duh.
c-nugget: A packed house
c-nugget: Irish team defends their goal. Or something.
c-nugget: Pileup.
c-nugget: Water/injury break
c-nugget: Warming up
c-nugget: Yeah! America!
c-nugget: Telephoto lens, dudes falling over
c-nugget: In action
c-nugget: IMG_2683
c-nugget: Injury face-plant
c-nugget: No clue what's going on here
c-nugget: American huddle
c-nugget: Irish assembly
c-nugget: Endzone flags
c-nugget: Giant scoreboard. Totally useless.
c-nugget: These girls are Irish. At least, the one in green.
c-nugget: Irish vs. Californian: shades of white
c-nugget: Snapping a shot
c-nugget: Ireland loyalty
c-nugget: Some rugby fans we met
c-nugget: Midfield action
c-nugget: US team congratulates the winners
c-nugget: Dejected eagle
c-nugget: IMG_2699
c-nugget: US players at the end of the match
c-nugget: US player at the end of the match