c-nugget: Bearded figure
c-nugget: Bearded figure, close up
c-nugget: Southern ruins
c-nugget: Dagoba (stupa) peering from behind a wall
c-nugget: Potgul Vihara
c-nugget: A residence?
c-nugget: Another structure in the Southern Ruins
c-nugget: Stone doorframe
c-nugget: They liked their bricks
c-nugget: Next to the royal palace
c-nugget: Royal Palace
c-nugget: Royal Palace
c-nugget: Royal Palace interior walls
c-nugget: Walls
c-nugget: Council Chamber
c-nugget: Royal baths
c-nugget: Royal Baths
c-nugget: Royal Baths
c-nugget: Elephant balustrade
c-nugget: balustrade and moonstone
c-nugget: Lions at the top of the stairs
c-nugget: Stone colums, the Quadrangle
c-nugget: Thuparama, the Quadrangle
c-nugget: Medieval inscriptions
c-nugget: Stone columns, a buddha
c-nugget: Satmahal Prasada lurking
c-nugget: Three buddhas in the Hatadage, the Quadrangle
c-nugget: Atadage (with buddha in the center), the Quadrangle
c-nugget: Wall and window in the Atadage, the Quadrangle
c-nugget: Window in the Atadage