c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Burial Grounds, Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Checking out the burial stones, Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Ibbankatuwa
c-nugget: Driveway to Kandalama
c-nugget: Gideon and a fire hose
c-nugget: I'm not sure what Randall is doing here
c-nugget: Kevin, Kate, Randall
c-nugget: Maggie and Gideon
c-nugget: Kate and Randall and the drink menu
c-nugget: Kate, demonstrating the proper way to drink in Sri Lanka
c-nugget: Randall + Maggie's hand
c-nugget: Kevin + Three Coins
c-nugget: Kate
c-nugget: Sri Lanka still life
c-nugget: This sign is not kidding around
c-nugget: Monkey
c-nugget: Monkey snacking
c-nugget: Monkey plotting on the balcony
c-nugget: Monkey on our balcony
c-nugget: More monkey
c-nugget: Monkeys on the balcony
c-nugget: Band of attack-monkeys
c-nugget: Band of attack-monkeys, again
c-nugget: Janus Owl looms over all
c-nugget: Janus Owl