c-nugget: Randall at the entrance gate
c-nugget: View coming up the driveway.
c-nugget: View coming up the driveway.
c-nugget: Very purple fruit
c-nugget: Little side house
c-nugget: Little side house
c-nugget: Side house verandah
c-nugget: Courtyard
c-nugget: IMG_1153
c-nugget: Gideon inside the side house
c-nugget: Maggie, outside of the classiest bathroom in Sri Lanka
c-nugget: Maggie does the pee dance
c-nugget: Randall coming up the stairs
c-nugget: Looking down from the loft in the side house
c-nugget: Maggie and Kate in a cool chair
c-nugget: Bawa's roller-skate car
c-nugget: Bawa's weird little car models
c-nugget: statue and cars
c-nugget: Gideon in the art gallery
c-nugget: Gideon, chair profile view
c-nugget: Interesting dresser
c-nugget: Bawa's drawings.
c-nugget: Bawa's drawings.
c-nugget: Lion (?) banner and a....menorah?
c-nugget: Art gallery interior
c-nugget: Art gallery interior
c-nugget: Kevin and the weirdo lion banner
c-nugget: Looking down into the lower level of the art gallery
c-nugget: Lower level of the art gallery
c-nugget: Lower level of art gallery