c-nugget: Andrew, walking in
c-nugget: Groomsmen
c-nugget: Line of groomsmen
c-nugget: Andrew, pre-ceremony
c-nugget: Andrew
c-nugget: Musician and kid with coordinated shirt and shoelaces
c-nugget: Musician and kid with coordinated shirt and shoelaces
c-nugget: Alex and dude who is not Alex
c-nugget: Impromptu groomsmen huddle
c-nugget: Mubina
c-nugget: Andrew and the dude who officiated
c-nugget: Processing in
c-nugget: Mubina, coming down the aisle
c-nugget: Mubina and Andrew
c-nugget: Processing in
c-nugget: Thank god for the Universal Life Church
c-nugget: Bridesmaids
c-nugget: More sermonizing.
c-nugget: The bridesmaids
c-nugget: Opening remarks
c-nugget: Bridesmaids
c-nugget: Up at the front of the crowd
c-nugget: Dina and Nabila
c-nugget: Reading from teeny tiny notes
c-nugget: Eliza and a reader
c-nugget: Eliza practices her stony supermodel face
c-nugget: Another reader
c-nugget: Reading reading reading
c-nugget: Professor Pritchett
c-nugget: Reader, reading