c-nugget: Fountain in central plaza, Antigua
c-nugget: Fountain in central plaza, Antigua
c-nugget: Central plaza, Antigua
c-nugget: Another ruinous ruin
c-nugget: Gated ruins
c-nugget: I really liked this wall.
c-nugget: A wall with plant life.
c-nugget: More wall shots.
c-nugget: Another ruin
c-nugget: Ali at the gates
c-nugget: Ali at yet another church
c-nugget: Santa....Clara? Rosa?
c-nugget: Cafe No Se = Antigua's version of Zeitgeist
c-nugget: Menu at Cafe No Se
c-nugget: Sign at Cafe No Se
c-nugget: Cafe No Se's banned song list
c-nugget: Ruined cathedral
c-nugget: Where a dome once was
c-nugget: Barrel arches
c-nugget: Ruined cathedral
c-nugget: Archway
c-nugget: giant leaf, arch
c-nugget: Giant leaf
c-nugget: Ali in the ruins
c-nugget: Ali and the giant leaf
c-nugget: Ali, very happy about a hole in the wall
c-nugget: Ali and a hole in the wall
c-nugget: Remains of a cathedral
c-nugget: Old funeral flowers
c-nugget: More ruined cathedral