c-nugget: Sarah on the patio
c-nugget: Ja. Trying to look gangsta.
c-nugget: Ja. Trying to look gangsta, again.
c-nugget: View out the back of the house
c-nugget: Kunal, Raja, Sarah, Mountains
c-nugget: Saul kitesurfing
c-nugget: Ja, Raja, and Sarah. Trying to look gangsta.
c-nugget: The backyard.
c-nugget: Watching Saul do his thing
c-nugget: Saul at work
c-nugget: More Saul
c-nugget: Saul
c-nugget: Front yard
c-nugget: Saul's supplies
c-nugget: Front door and chair
c-nugget: Front gate
c-nugget: Matt tries to work some mojo on the pinata
c-nugget: Noelle and her handy belt
c-nugget: Still life.
c-nugget: Saul's kites
c-nugget: Parul catches air!
c-nugget: Parul defies gravity again
c-nugget: It's a big kite
c-nugget: Getting the kite airborne
c-nugget: launching the kite
c-nugget: Parul, the magical flying robot!
c-nugget: Parul and Saul
c-nugget: Parul, post-kite ride
c-nugget: Saul hands off the reins to Parul
c-nugget: Parul and Saul