c-nugget: Nice outfit, dude
c-nugget: Crowds
c-nugget: Another crowd shot
c-nugget: Crowd shot
c-nugget: Race cop regulates
c-nugget: Ready to ride
c-nugget: More competitors
c-nugget: Crowds gettin' antsy
c-nugget: Race cop!
c-nugget: And they're off!
c-nugget: Blockhead at the race gates
c-nugget: Misha gets ready to ride
c-nugget: Misha
c-nugget: Blockhead/racemaster
c-nugget: This guy was prepared
c-nugget: Well...ok, then
c-nugget: Team Bobsled
c-nugget: Matt (the viking wrestler)
c-nugget: Drinkey Crow
c-nugget: Matt and Eric!
c-nugget: Race cop goes first
c-nugget: whee!
c-nugget: Blockhead is in it to win it
c-nugget: Team (blurry) bobsled
c-nugget: Punk rock barbie trike
c-nugget: WTF?!
c-nugget: Rear shot
c-nugget: Tandem Big Wheel
c-nugget: For girls who ride
c-nugget: Big Bud Head Dude