c-nugget: Romania - Saes
c-nugget: Sighisoara - citadel main square
c-nugget: Sighisoara
c-nugget: Sighisoara - inside the citadel
c-nugget: Sighisoara
c-nugget: Sighisoara citadel tower
c-nugget: All signs point to the North Pole
c-nugget: Sighisoara citadel belltower
c-nugget: Sighisoara rooftops
c-nugget: Hilarious dragon
c-nugget: Weird deerhead thing
c-nugget: Sighisoara market
c-nugget: Sighisoara market
c-nugget: Main Street, Saes
c-nugget: Saes
c-nugget: Me in Saes
c-nugget: Fortified Saxon Church - Saes
c-nugget: Fortified Saxon Church - Apold
c-nugget: Apold
c-nugget: Church in Apold
c-nugget: Church in Apold
c-nugget: Church painting in Apold
c-nugget: Church organ - Apold
c-nugget: View from the chuch belltower - Apold
c-nugget: My sister and Vlad
c-nugget: Orthodox Church - Sighisoara
c-nugget: Orthodox Church - Sighisoara
c-nugget: Orthodox icons
c-nugget: My sister contemplates Vlad
c-nugget: Ali and Marinella