c-cycles: 20170108_165306
c-cycles: 20171108_203450
c-cycles: 20171110_210242
c-cycles: 20171112_215608
c-cycles: Ready for the next one #circleoflife #ccycles
c-cycles: Preparation is key #ccycles
c-cycles: The pieces are coming together for this special one. This will be a #650B #porteur with 2 horizontal tubes #ccycles
c-cycles: My weapons of choice #ccycles
c-cycles: Weapons of choice, brazed Version #ccycles
c-cycles: Preparing parts for the rear end #ccycles
c-cycles: The @_vogeltanz_ vario blocks at work #ccycles
c-cycles: Keeping the balance #ccycles
c-cycles: And now the small one of the @_vogeltanz_ vario blocks #ccycles
c-cycles: It's brazing day #ccycles
c-cycles: The fun starts here #bikemachinery #ccycles
c-cycles: Crackling #ccycles
c-cycles: Where the silver flows #ccycles
c-cycles: Looks familiar, but: DT/HT & ST/BB brazed & cleaned. Looks fine. #ccycles
c-cycles: I promised a special one, now you get one #ccycles
c-cycles: Braze-Ons on uncommon places #ccycles
c-cycles: No, I'm not building a flute #ccycles
c-cycles: Let's call this a shoreline #ccycles
c-cycles: Check after every step #ccycles
c-cycles: Some more shorelines #ccycles
c-cycles: Top tube "bakfiets-style" version 2 #ccycles
c-cycles: Why only take one when you can get two? #ccycles
c-cycles: Rear meets front #ccycles
c-cycles: Connected #ccycles
c-cycles: seat cluster details #ccycles
c-cycles: Follow the line #ccycles