c-cycles: Ready to rumble #ccycles #framebuilding #bikepacking
c-cycles: Note to myself: no more pictures of stems... #framebuilding #ccycles
c-cycles: It's show time #framebuilding #ccycles
c-cycles: Feels like mass production #ccycles #framebuilding #deepcustom
c-cycles: As they say in Bavaria: zsamm bappd is! #ccycles #framebuilding
c-cycles: Dry fit looks fine, next step includes some heat. #framebuilding #ccycles
c-cycles: Test ride shows no problems, now back to the workshop to give it a final clean ##ccycles #bikepacking #framebuilding
c-cycles: A solid base for the @gramm_tourpacking diamondbag #framebuilding #ccycles #bikepacking #bikepackinggear
c-cycles: A well-used #ccycles spotted in the local woods #altibleibt #altdorferwald #gravelbike #rimbrakesarentdead
c-cycles: The start for a new #ccycles #bikepacking frame starts here - with the mantra of every bike I built in the last 10 years: #garantiertunzerbrechlich #ganzausstahlgeschmiedet
c-cycles: Pimp my fork - with another hand full of braze-ons #ccycles #framebuidling
c-cycles: A steel fork a day keeps the carbon fork away #ccycles #steelisreal #bikepacking
c-cycles: Today is seatcluster tuesday #ccycles #framebuilding #bikepackingbike
c-cycles: Every framebuilder will tell you: hand-mitering the chainstays sucks. #iameveryframebuilder #ccycles #steelisreal
c-cycles: Roland #bikepacking fram. It's been a long time since my last lugged frame. Can't hide that I've done some fillet brazed ones. #ccycles
c-cycles: The #minivelo is alive & kicking. Oh man, this is fun to drive. #ccycles
c-cycles: I can already see a 650B #bikepacking machine #ccycles
c-cycles: Trail magic #ccycles #gravelbike
c-cycles: The #minivelo got a fork & fenders #framebuilding #ccycles
c-cycles: Born out of chaos #minivelo #framebuilding #ccycles
c-cycles: Some more details #ccycles #framebuilding
c-cycles: Diving deeper into the latest build #ccycles #framebuilding #bikepacking
c-cycles: The secret of colors revealed #ccycles #gravelbike #bikepacking #framebuilding
c-cycles: The Hydra has born another child. #ccycles #gravelbike #bikepacking
c-cycles: Some more buffing required #minivelo #ccycles
c-cycles: Strange things are happening in the workshop #ccycles #minivelo #20inch
c-cycles: Hopefully the first and last time they cross #ccycles #minivelo #steelisreal
c-cycles: The #minivelo has left the jig #ccycles #steelisreal
c-cycles: At least this part is well known : even the strangest #ccycles #minivelo gets the standard set of badges
c-cycles: Fabricating strange parts for a strange #minivelo #ccycles