sandra bourgeois: Renard roux - Red fox
Vladimir Vulf: DSC01328
ricardo00: Lazuli bunting takes off
Vladimir Vulf: DSC08767
sandra bourgeois: Loutre de rivière - River otter
Vladimir Vulf: DSC03151
Vladimir Vulf: DSC03630
Vladimir Vulf: DSC03525
Vladimir Vulf: DSC02002
austindca: and then the cloud passed by
Stanley Bird Of Nature: Ashy woodpecker
Kitty Kono: Solar Eclipse
austindca: crab in the garden
oldTor: Slice of lettuce. Macro. UVIVF
Kitty Kono: Coyote in Valley Forge Today
Vladimir Vulf: DSC01278
austindca: black-crested titmouse
Pas Hoen Photography: Butterfly on a Flower in Botanical Garden Utrecht on 17-6-2023
Kitty Kono: Grooming Bug
Treebeard: Big-eyed male March Fly on our porch railing
Vladimir Vulf: DSC07109
sandra bourgeois: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
Vladimir Vulf: DSC04869
KHR Images: Sparrowhawk
sandra bourgeois: Bec-croisé bifascié - White-winged crossbills
sandra bourgeois: Bec-croisé bifascié - White-winged crossbills
austindca: carpet beetle in the garden
Vladimir Vulf: _B7A8880
Kitty Kono: Dawn on a Foggy Morning