Bob and Carmen2005: Which way to go?
Bob and Carmen2005: Chateau by the lake near Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Town clock, Fechy
Bob and Carmen2005: Town of Rolle on Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Flocking birds on Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Town of Rolle
Bob and Carmen2005: Chateau at Rolle
Bob and Carmen2005: Marina at Nyon, on Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Old roman pillar, looking out over Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Statute of Ceasar, Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Old town in Nyon, view of the Alps across Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Nyon, town hall
Bob and Carmen2005: Chateau in Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Narrow streets of Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Main Street, Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Downtown Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Street busker entertaining shoppers in Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Looking for the choice cut at a local boucherie
Bob and Carmen2005: Carmen and Claire, shopping in Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: French / Swiss architecture in Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Town water fountain, Nyon
Bob and Carmen2005: Trevor and Carmen window shopping
Bob and Carmen2005: Enjoying the view of Lake Geneva in Nyon