Bob and Carmen2005: Our last dinner on the beach at Giravaru
Bob and Carmen2005: Boatride to neighbouring islands
Bob and Carmen2005: Enjoying the bath warm waters of the Indian Ocean
Bob and Carmen2005: On our sunset fishing trip
Bob and Carmen2005: Shallow Reef Horn Fish
Bob and Carmen2005: Coral fish
Bob and Carmen2005: Feeding White Fish on the reef
Bob and Carmen2005: Stripped Rock Fish
Bob and Carmen2005: Hermit Crab
Bob and Carmen2005: Giant Clam
Bob and Carmen2005: Brown spotted eel
Bob and Carmen2005: Surrounded by Yellow Reef fish
Bob and Carmen2005: Magnificent Manta Ray
Bob and Carmen2005: Graceful Manta Ray
Bob and Carmen2005: Catch of the day!
Bob and Carmen2005: Maldives II 077
Bob and Carmen2005: Snorkling on the house reef
Bob and Carmen2005: Which way to go?
Bob and Carmen2005: Chateau by the lake near Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Town clock, Fechy
Bob and Carmen2005: Town of Rolle on Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Flocking birds on Lake Geneva
Bob and Carmen2005: Town of Rolle
Bob and Carmen2005: Chateau at Rolle
Bob and Carmen2005: Marina at Nyon, on Lake Geneva