kijimuna.: Camping Under The Stars
chikaoka1: ヤマガラ Parus varius
im.choi: Who did #pour #sugar #powder here? #windham #ny
chikaoka1: サクラSAKURA-18
Sabrou Yves Photograff: In solidarity with the people of Brussels
chikaoka1: トウツバキ "仏陀" Camellia reticalata "Buddha"
ネコタロ: 日枝神社 Hie Shrine
chikaoka1: 冬螢 winter lighting-bug
chikaoka1: 雪吊(ゆきつり) Yukitsuri-Pinus
chikaoka1: 旅の終わりに富士の嶺 It is Mount Fuji at the end of a trip!!
chikaoka1: ◎丹生都比売神社/楼門-1 Niutsuhime-Jinja Shrine/Rou-mon (tower gate)-1 and Japanese maple(Momiji)
chikaoka1: 串柿色-1 Kushigaki(Hoshigaki )color
chikaoka1: 柿色 persimmon color
chikaoka1: 蘆(葦)そよぐ秋-2 Phragmites australis (The reed) which rustles in wind.-2
ネコタロ: 神楽 Kagura dance
ネコタロ: 幻の青 Virtual blue
chikaoka1: 蘆(葦)そよぐ秋-1 Phragmites australis(The reed) which rustles in autumn-wind!!
chikaoka1: 柿葉紅葉-2 autumn color of persimmon leaves
im.choi: What an interesting place. We had a time travel visiting the Renaissance. Jason met a queen and her friends. Don't be shy! #family #festival #Renaissance #NY
chikaoka1: 薔薇の横顔 profile of the rose
yuko92694: A torii path
chikaoka1: タンポポの空 the Sky of Dandelion
chikaoka1: 長閑な美瑛 peaceful scenery
chikaoka1: ぜるぶの丘の鐘 Zerubu hill and Bell.
chikaoka1: 美瑛 a field of potato, hillside in Biei
Sabrou Yves Photograff: Danbo Furoshiki
WICs Photography: Lower Antelope Canyon
chikaoka1: GO ON A TRIP------Come home!!!
Anton Tarakhteev: #Sky #live