burt82: fountains
burt82: air conditioners
burt82: cool doorways
burt82: bags
burt82: boy and umbrella
burt82: polar bear?
burt82: beachs stage
burt82: 00240008
burt82: CRW_6244
burt82: 00240001
burt82: a landscape
burt82: something burred
burt82: formal and studied?
burt82: urban
burt82: portrait of a stranger
burt82: 7-11
burt82: kitsch!
burt82: funky sign
burt82: CRW_6143
burt82: IMG_6136
burt82: IMG_6141
burt82: Bags
burt82: Last Dance
burt82: Blurry
burt82: Serious
burt82: Best not to ask
burt82: Photogenic Dog
burt82: Inside Jungfraujoch
burt82: Atomium
burt82: IMG_5442