Brian Negus: National Coal Mining Museum
往人: 遗忘
Ryan Maloney: Newburyport
Grinvich_: Nastya
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy): 九寨千古情 The LEGEND of Romance
doi013168: 波斯菊
Thomas Ohlsson Photography: Christel Ohlsson
doi013168: 桐花
Lee ChaoHsin: IMGP6142
L.F.Lee: Georgetown, DC.
LKungJr: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Nam2@7676: 紫大好き:I love purple
InSunny: IMGP2239
Simon Neutert: Ghetto Papparazzo
Ineound: Pentax System II - an update two years later
ossy59: neue Pentax 2013/12/12 #2
E.I.T.O: Lanikai
_Singleton_: 150103_144749
VladimirYo: Arbat St. Moscow
45tmr: Velocity of Twilight
dustette: in Venice
Tony Shi Photos: One World Trade Center and lower Manhattan skyline
Jono Sandilands: Mareel Logos
Nod Young: Logo design for Daxiang Entertainment
Nod Young: logo for daxiang
M.Y: F1030021
ecperez: Celestina