Bunny Red: Cheers replica bar, Boston, USA
Bunny Red: Death Valley
Bunny Red: HELP ME!!!!
Bunny Red: Beverly Hills
Bunny Red: Cocktail impressions
Bunny Red: Extra guest at the Last Supper!
Bunny Red: Lets Go Red Sox!
Bunny Red: I like deep fried dough :)
Bunny Red: Think I'm going to be sick
Bunny Red: It's a long way down!!!!!
Bunny Red: Vegas Baby :)
Bunny Red: oOOOooo. VEGAS!!!
Bunny Red: Devils Golf Course, Death Valley
Bunny Red: Devils Golf Course, Death Valley
Bunny Red: Death Valley
Bunny Red: Death Valley
Bunny Red: Hmmmmm
Bunny Red: BEER!!!!!!
Bunny Red: Palm Springs
Bunny Red: My new friend - really cool barman in Universal City :)
Bunny Red: Cocktails in the Saddle Ranch, LA
Bunny Red: Rodeo Drive
Bunny Red: The Hollywood Hills
Bunny Red: Walt Disney Theatre, LA
Bunny Red: Luke, I am your Bunny
Bunny Red: Jesus Loves Me
Bunny Red: They're all looking at me!! AAAHHHH!!!