Susan Roehl: Female Hanuman Langur (Semno pithecus entellus)
N.Clark: Friday's flower ...
Jogabi - Michèle: Essorage du plumage - Wringing out the plumage
Susan Roehl: Young Male Wild Turkey In A Cornfield (Meleagris gallopavo)
N.Clark: Obedient Plant
Suzy Unyink: relaxing myself ...
Jan 130: Longmoor Pool in Winter
Suzy Unyink: red bunches ...
Susan Roehl: Reichenow's Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris reichenowi )
N.Clark: Painted Lady
Susan Roehl: Lined Leaf tailed Gecko (Uroplatus lineatus)
Susan Roehl: Ring-tailed Lemur Holding On (Lemur catta)
N.Clark: Look before you leap
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Thus, the dance romantic of the Fenland Damselfly.
Susan Roehl: Avenue Of Baobabs (Just After The Sun Sets)
N.Clark: Dunlin - Caladris alpina
Susan Roehl: Male Lion Portrait (Panthera leo)
N.Clark: Cosmos with morning dew
Susan Roehl: Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)
Suzy Unyink: whataya want from me ...
Susan Roehl: Oustalets's chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti)
N.Clark: Friday's flower
Jan 130: Even more disgruntled ! ( explored, thank you )
Susan Roehl: Woolly Lemur At Night
N.Clark: Seeking protection
Susan Roehl: Tree Frog (Boophis madagascariensis)
N.Clark: Tuesday's tulip
Susan Roehl: A Family Gathering Of Verreaux's Sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
jlst2i: Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth