bulldog1: Sydney profile
bulldog1: Swartz and Snorts for Silly Saturday
bulldog1: March 2005 comes in with a big YAWN!
bulldog1: Happy birthday smile from the past
bulldog1: Missing Meany and Sydney bulldog
bulldog1: Dutch rabbit shows off marco whiskers
bulldog1: Don't take your guns to town, Son
bulldog1: winter's memory of Zelda rabbit.....
bulldog1: practice kissing by using a mirror...
bulldog1: Meany bulldog knew how to relax!
bulldog1: Detective Spuds E. Swartz reporting
bulldog1: meany bulldog
bulldog1: young love for silly furry saturday
bulldog1: missing Swartzie on sleepy furry sunday
bulldog1: Autumn memories
bulldog1: a special sunset memory
bulldog1: pumpkin painted for Sydney bulldog
bulldog1: Sydney and Squiggy
bulldog1: those radio flyer days
bulldog1: a little young for starting school
bulldog1: Zelda Dutch rabbit for winter's outing
bulldog1: beg your bardon my dog toy
bulldog1: remembering Bonnie boxer
bulldog1: one way to get a sock
bulldog1: Waffles the basset
bulldog1: My creation
bulldog1: zoned out brother Moses and curious sister Flower
bulldog1: you're half way there Sydney
bulldog1: just hanging out
bulldog1: My creation