builder24car: Welcome to Raleigh!
builder24car: Closer view of the "Raleigh welcome sign"
builder24car: I get wrapped up in my job
builder24car: Natural Light
builder24car: Pine cones
builder24car: Pine cone
builder24car: Here it comes.......
builder24car: There it is!
builder24car: Or at least the truck has
builder24car: The drilling has stopped
builder24car: Old Chevy
builder24car: Wind turbine
builder24car: View from the Blue Ridge Parkway
builder24car: I didn't change a thing about this shot
builder24car: Smartass kid
builder24car: I guess it's just as easy
builder24car: I waited and waited
builder24car: I could be really cool
builder24car: One feather
builder24car: Hello Mr. snake
builder24car: He stopped to say hello
builder24car: He took a stroll through the garden
builder24car: Goodbye Mr snake
builder24car: One last look
builder24car: #4 of 4
builder24car: #3 0f 4
builder24car: #2 of 4
builder24car: #1 of 4
builder24car: Honoring our servicemen and women
builder24car: Airborne & Special Operations Museum