bubble_boy: Bald Eagle - breakfast
bubble_boy: Bald Eagle - breakfast
bubble_boy: Brown Pelican
bubble_boy: American White Pelican
bubble_boy: Cormorant
bubble_boy: American White Pelicans
bubble_boy: American Kestrel
bubble_boy: American Kestrel
bubble_boy: Black-headed Grosbeak (immature / female)
bubble_boy: Pink Flamingo in the Bay
bubble_boy: Raven lunching
bubble_boy: Got it
bubble_boy: Geese in the distance
bubble_boy: Portrait of a Great Egret
bubble_boy: Immature Red-tailed Hawk
bubble_boy: Red-shouldered Hawk
bubble_boy: Ash-throated Flycatcher
bubble_boy: Spotted Towhee
bubble_boy: Coyote Hill Regional Park
bubble_boy: Northern Flicker
bubble_boy: Bushtit
bubble_boy: Gold-crowned Sparrow
bubble_boy: Foster's Tern
bubble_boy: Coyote Hills Regional Park
bubble_boy: Mallards in a hurry
bubble_boy: Ash-throated Flycatcher
bubble_boy: Brown-headed Cowbird (female)
bubble_boy: Common Yellowthroat
bubble_boy: Common Yellowthroat
bubble_boy: Common Yellowthroat