wwjend: Molly
wwjend: My Three Girls
wwjend: Spring sure does smell good.
wwjend: Even the hamster is reading this book! #Fangirl
wwjend: Audrey has a friend over, but Molly told me she wants to hang out with me instead of "all the girls".
wwjend: My "office"
wwjend: My "office"
wwjend: My "office"
wwjend: Kitchen
wwjend: kitchen
wwjend: kitchen
wwjend: Breakfast Room
wwjend: Birthday outfit. Thanks Gramma & Papap!
wwjend: Ready to go!!!!
wwjend: 7 Days, Day 4
wwjend: Emily's cookies. :)
wwjend: I was busy baking cookies for neighbors and suddenly ended up with frosting helpers.
wwjend: 7 Days, Day 3
wwjend: The Library
wwjend: Photo Bomb!
wwjend: Faux Pumpkin Mocha Breve!
wwjend: Late Afternoon
wwjend: Shiny
wwjend: Audrey just got off the school bus. I was waiting for her on the porch. #7days
wwjend: Hanging out with kiddos. Oldest was in iPod land :P Audrey sunk my Battleships :( #7Days
wwjend: 'Tis the season.
wwjend: Hanging out on the couch, knitting and catching up on my soap. #7days
wwjend: Steak Florentine and grilled salad