BsxXde-foTo: Gonepteryx rhamni
BsxXde-foTo: Cetonia aurata
BsxXde-foTo: Salticus scenicus eats a Episyrphus balteatus
BsxXde-foTo: Sciurus vulgaris
BsxXde-foTo: Winter in Germany 2018/2019 No1
BsxXde-foTo: Autumn in Germany 2018 Nr 1
BsxXde-foTo: Autumn Leaves 2018 Nr1
BsxXde-foTo: The End of a Gonepteryx rhamni
BsxXde-foTo: Pilze 2018 Nr2
BsxXde-foTo: Pilze 2018 Nr1
BsxXde-foTo: Little lonely Sunflower
BsxXde-foTo: Pararge aegeria (Female) 2018
BsxXde-foTo: Araschnia levana f. porima (Summer-Generation 2018)
BsxXde-foTo: Papilio machaon (Caterpillar) 2018 Nr1
BsxXde-foTo: Argynnis paphia (Male) 2018 Nr1
BsxXde-foTo: Phyteuma nigrum (2018)
BsxXde-foTo: Araschnia levana f. levana (Spring-Generation 2018)
BsxXde-foTo: Papilio cresphontes (2018)
BsxXde-foTo: Tussilago farfara
BsxXde-foTo: Winter in Germany 2017/2018 No.3
BsxXde-foTo: Winter in Germany 2017/2018 No.2
BsxXde-foTo: Winter in Germany 2017/2018 No.1
BsxXde-foTo: Sun after rain (2018/1)
BsxXde-foTo: Autum in Germany 2017: one more thing
BsxXde-foTo: Autum in Germany 2017: The Allee
BsxXde-foTo: Autum in Germany 2017: At the Lake
BsxXde-foTo: German autum 2017: Creek in the Park
BsxXde-foTo: German Autum 2017: In the Park
BsxXde-foTo: House of the Fungi Family
BsxXde-foTo: Raindrops