Equinox27: Scholl's Dairy Milk Bottle
Gary :^): Spot
Gary :^): Covered Bridge Festival....
damzed: Villeneuve-lès-Avignon : Chemin des Castors
Glenn McWatt: CSULB Graduation 2020
jmillet80: Study_portrait-of-james-whitcomb-riley_02
Scott Andrew Smith: James Whitcomb Riley Memorial
LSallee: The Wave
jpetric@sbcglobal.net: James Whitcomb Riley
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Happy New Years
Clever Photons: Antlers in the Mist
Bina Fellowes Photography: Resting in the Shadows Model: Kate Scott
Alexandre D_: Bride's eyes
Gi.Sartori: Issoria Lathonia
kosmaspetrohilos: Dounis RC Jet Show
Gi.Sartori: Polyommatus Icarus
drugodragodiego: Purple Lights
Gi.Sartori: Melanargia Galathea Su Trifoglio
Gi.Sartori: Cigno Bianco
Friedrich Beren: Baumspiegelung in SW