lozsorusrex: new piece
lozsorusrex: pinakone
mrSAY [DNAK:EARWIGS]: Slanging paint on for a poster install #wip
artundermycouch: "Akuta beam" Oil
artundermycouch: Rollermagic with Erasol
SKUMFUCK 3AKILLAZ: secret spot i go to bomb
LURKER 666: instagram
radius-!-: three triangles
Revilo 215 *33*: Almost done with this gigantoid of a painting! I think I'll have things rapped up by Tuesday. #painting #oilpaint #canvas #houston #texas #philly #philadelphia #losangles #newyork #dallas #austin #sanfran #revilo215 #graffiti #graff #tagging #stickers #
radius-!-: gaurdian
ART ¹: The aftermath of today's live paint sesh
RekkingBall: New stickies
Mr (°-°) Slob³³: Slob Ticky Uwp
RekkingBall: Bimz x Etor x Zeek x Isor x Mabek x Gravity x Rek
CoonOne: Poster
RekkingBall: Power Ties and Sweater Vests
24Hours of madness!: selfportrait
stylegame_: image
stylegame_: cop came.