brungrrl: 7. On the Road
brungrrl: Windsor Weekend May 2006
brungrrl: 1. House of Worship
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 3. Small Packages
brungrrl: 6. Media
brungrrl: 9. Paper
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 22. Street Lights
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: AP goin' in Patrick O'Ryan's.
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 25. Black and White
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 18. Fresh Food
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: city of Detroit as seen from Windsor
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 11. In the Sky
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006
brungrrl: 5. Fragrance
brungrrl: Weekend in Windsor May 2006