brungrrl: Creepin’ in a crevice.
brungrrl: JT: Where are we going tonight for my half birthday dinner? Me, walking in the door with Target bags: Ha! It’s leftovers tonight... but I did get some ice cream to celebrate. #boymom #halfbirthday
brungrrl: The halls are decked. 🎄
brungrrl: I just really liked these leaves and the way the sun was throwing long shadows. #fromwhereistand
brungrrl: Celebrating those As. #gradesmatter #besmart #workhard
brungrrl: toadstool in my yard
brungrrl: Chagall and the Bible. Getting close to finishing this year’s reading of the Old Testament. This was a nice walk through those stories.
brungrrl: Fall foliage found.
brungrrl: 6th grade getting on the bus with Morgan
brungrrl: my guy
brungrrl: First day of 6th grade
brungrrl: July 1979
brungrrl: easter1979_11
brungrrl: easter1979_10
brungrrl: biker girl
brungrrl: easter1979_08
brungrrl: easter1979_07
brungrrl: easter1979_06
brungrrl: easter1979_05
brungrrl: easter1979_04
brungrrl: easter1979_03
brungrrl: easter1979_02
brungrrl: easter1979_01
brungrrl: Hubz: lecturing about getting good grades because college...blah blah blah... JT: Yeah, I know, you got a 4 year scholarship to JACKWAGON UNIVERSITY!!! #roasted #hcsd1 #firstdayofschool
brungrrl: Spotted in my neighborhood. #onawalk #monarchbutterfly
brungrrl: 😍
brungrrl: It’s not lost on me that a milkweed plant randomly grew in my flower bed and has hosted a few monarch caterpillars in the middle of the year that my #onelittleword is #change
brungrrl: Crazy weather yesterday.
brungrrl: Saw this last week in a garden. I almost didn’t take the picture. I’m not really an Emily Dickinson fan. But today the poem came up in the book I’m listening to, “A piece of the world.” What is the chance of that?