Vlado Ferenčić: swan's family (08)
Ed Yourdon: If you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with ...
Caleb4Ever: Tempest
Ray Jennings AU: Hornby Lighthouse
Richard Larssen: Fluffy lighthouse dream
ShutterJack: Biological Neural Network
Chizuka2010: Blowing a bubble ❖ La mouche qui aimait faire des bulles
mdiehl829: In explore 6/15/15 Mike Diehl photography on Facebook
Saarblitz: My best Site:-)
RWGrennan: Humpback Whale Surface Feeding
dalbertazzig: After the rain
cgabvieira: Fotografia de comida
cgabvieira: Fotografia de comida
gervanioweb: Aux. de Fotografia
dalbertazzig: Broken reflexions
AGraddyPhoto: Hummingbirds
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 4-12 eva: eva and the tennis ball dispenser
Stephan Harmes: synchronous
Robert Streithorst: Crouching Leopard
Vlado Ferenčić: duck's school (01)
André Damasco: Captação de Agua Casan
André Damasco: Ponte Hercilio Luz
vi_enrique: Scenes of Abandonment