Bruna Ferrara;: on the first day of christmas...
Bruna Ferrara;: this is my idea of fun
Bruna Ferrara;: Sheriff Woody
Bruna Ferrara;: All the love is gone and you know.
Bruna Ferrara;: Fortune
Bruna Ferrara;: the conversation is over
Bruna Ferrara;: it's been a long time since i've seen your smiling face.
Bruna Ferrara;: THIS IS W∆R
Bruna Ferrara;: i'll be there to hold you;
Bruna Ferrara;: for those who have heart
Bruna Ferrara;: keep on running, keep keep on running, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.
Bruna Ferrara;: one man's trash is another man's treasure
Bruna Ferrara;: frozencreek
Bruna Ferrara;: "Ever since this began, I was born with a curse"
Bruna Ferrara;: 486 (original in comments)
Bruna Ferrara;: everybody hide your body from the s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w
Bruna Ferrara;: love with all you have like you don't have a clue what's costing you.
Bruna Ferrara;: 275 (+b&w in comments)