brownorama: Harry playing with Dan
brownorama: Harry likes berries!
brownorama: He really likes "blerries"
brownorama: Harry on the train
brownorama: Harry with his Doodle Pad on the train
brownorama: Harry and Dan on the train
brownorama: At Cheesecake Factory with Pa
brownorama: Harry gets his first taste of cheesecake - and the verdict is....Yay!
brownorama: Harry and with his great-grandfather Pa
brownorama: Harry and Pa with the same look on their face
brownorama: The same look - again
brownorama: The same look a third time
brownorama: CTO = Chief Troublemaking Officer
brownorama: Harry doing what he can for EightShapes
brownorama: Harry playing the piano
brownorama: Harry with his Mummy
brownorama: Harry and Sarah having fun
brownorama: It is amazing how amusing putting a toy in Mummy's mouth can be
brownorama: Harry tries to put it in his mouth
brownorama: That was fun!
brownorama: The boys on the big new bed
brownorama: Harry with his Daddy
brownorama: Harry's first project from Art Class
brownorama: Harry's first time on a people mover
brownorama: Harry first time at National Airport
brownorama: Harry looks at the planes
brownorama: Walking with Mummy at National Airport
brownorama: Harry and Sarah
brownorama: Harry and Sarah - closeup
brownorama: Lisa shows Harry pictures on her cell phone