judi may: 258/365: Figs and cheese
judi may: The kiss
judi may: 261/365: Almost there [Explored]
judi may: 263/365: Looking dapper
judi may: 38/52: Fire in the sky
judi may: Elaine: Stranger # 24
judi may: 266/365: Lay down in a darkened room
judi may: 267/365: When all else fails...
judi may: 271/365: Super Moon
judi may: 272/365: I should have been a Tougher Mudder
judi may: Winging it.
judi may: 2/31: You looking' at me?
judi may: 276/365: A bit of culture
judi may: 4/31: Peppers
Stephanie Calhoun Photography: Portrait of a pretty girl...Collie
Stephanie Calhoun Photography: 14 years ago today...
Surfchild.: 268/365. Shadowing (151/215)
Surfchild.: 263/365. Sneaky
Surfchild.: 257/365. I know what I like (146/215)
Surfchild.: 253/365. Minimalist potato (144/215)
Surfchild.: 252/365. Oranges are not the only hockey balls (143/215)
s@ssyl@ssy: lost my marbles.....again
s@ssyl@ssy: the colours of autumn
s@ssyl@ssy: beach bouquet